Biodiversity of xylophylous polypores fungi (Basidiomycetes) on the "Unidade de Conservação Ambiental Desterro" (UCAD), Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil
The survey of mycodiversity of xylophilous polypores on the Unidade de Conservação Ambiental Desterro (UCAD), Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil, resulted on the identification of 31 species distributed in the families Fistulinaceae Maire (1), Ganodermataceae (Donk) Donk (3), Hericiaceae Donk (1), Hymenochaetaceae Donk (5), Polyporaceae Corda (20) and Corticiaceae Herter (1). The species Fistulina hepatica, Phellinus melanodermus, Ceriporiopsis cystidiata, Perenniporia martius and Dichomitus citricremeus are new citations for Santa Catarina State. Pyrofomes fulvoumbrinus and Tyromyces tephrus are recorded for the first time to Santa Catarina Island. All species found are new citations to UCAD, except Wrightoporia avellanea. This work presents a key for identification for the studied species, descriptions, remarks and ilustrations for the new citations.Downloads
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