Enzyme screening of dikaryotic cultures from lignocellulolitic Basidiomycetes (fungi) collected in southern Brazil
Sixteen dikaryotic cultures from Basidiomycetes were characterized according to their ability to produce extracellular enzymes by a qualitative method using semi-solid media and a quantitative method using liquid media. Mycelial behaviour through radial growth and biomass production were also tested. The oxidative test with gallic and tannic acid media, showed that 15 dikaryotic cultures were white-rot fungi, while negative results were observed for Antrodia albida, a brown-rot fungus, as expected. The drop enzyme tests showed tyrosinase was present in Phellinus flavomarginatus, Rigidoporus lineatus and Antrodia albida. Other enzymes used with this drop test were laccase and peroxidases, which were detected in 15 strains, the exception being Antrodia albida. In liquid media, however, laccase was distinguished in all cultures, as was manganese-peroxidase, lignin peroxidase was detected only in Trametes villosa, Ganoderma applanatum and Ganoderma sp.
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