Benthic chlorophyta of the exclusive economic zoneof the northeastern of brazil; Chlorophyta bentônicas da zona econômica exclusiva do nordeste brasileiro (REVIZEE NE 1)
The present work aims to analyze and identify seaweeds ofthe Chlorophyta division, sampled during the REVIZEE - NE I projecto The fifteen sampling stations are situated between the States of Piauí and Alagoas, also the North Bank Chain and at Fernando de Noronha Island, distributed aIong the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Northeastern ofBrazil. Sampling was carried out with a retangular iron dredge. lnthe laboratory, alga were separated, fixed in 4% formaldehyde solution and identified.Chlorophyceae occurred in 14 stations and fifteen species were identified. The
genus Halimeda (Udoteaceae) was the most representative in species number (H discoidea, H gracilis, H incrassata, H opuntia and H. tuna), which stresses the importance of this genus for the deep regions in the northweastern Brazilian coast.
Halimeda gracilis was considered the most frequent species in the area, with 46.66% of frequency. Anadyomene stellata and Caulerpa pusilla, were the species which presented the largest vertical distribution in the studied area, extending from 44 to 166 m in depth. Halimeda gracilis was recorded to the first time to Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.
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