Seaweeds from Carpinteiro Rocky Shoal - with the addition of <I>Rhodymenia delicatula</I> (Rhodophyta) to the brazilian flora
The knowledge ofBrazilian biodiversity is indispensable for a sustainable use and rational preservation ofnatural resources. However, an adequate inventory of this diversity faces obstacles when it refers to subtidal communities. Here we report the results of a first endeavor to sample the phytobenthic community on a subtidal rocky shoal near to the southem border ofBrazil accessible by scuba dive. The collections were made in the Carpinteiro rocky shoal (Rio Grande do Sul state). Were identified four Rhodophyta and one Chlorophyta. Among the macroalgae it is noteworthy the presence ofRhodymenia delicatula, here referred for the first time to the Southem
Atlantic coast. The presence of seaweeds characteristic ofwarm regions reinforce the hypothesis that the environmental stablest conditions of subtidal favors the extension of occurrence limits of different species.
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