Perception of the proximity of neighboring seedlings by <I>Cecropia glazioui</I> Sneth. (Cecropiaceae)
The aim of this work was to verify theresponse of shade avoidance stimulated by the proximity of neighboringIPlants in Cecropia glazioui (embaúba) seedlings, distributed in 1018 of different densities of plan18. It was verified that the plan18 were capable to detect the presence of a neighboring plant up to 20cm. The response in increasing height to the density of plants was not just quantitatively high, but also fast. The seedlings with density of 36 plants m-2 and 72 plants m-2 grew in height,
respectively, 0.22 and 0.98 cm a day. This great capacity to elongate in response to the sign generated by neighboring plants tums possible to the seedlings of C. glazioui to be successful in the colonization ofgaps, growing above the stratum of late successional
seedlings that could be in the gap environment.
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