Physiognomy of high-altitude grassland vegetation of Campo dos Padres, Santa Catarina, Brazil<p>
The region of "Campo dos Padres" is located at the highest elevations of the highlands of Serra Geral, in the State of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. It is composed mainly of large natural grasslands with almost no human intervention. The present work aims to understand the physiognomy, floristics and state of conservation of this area. Due to frequent fog and also rainwater flowing down the hillsides, most of this area is wet, with or without rocky outcrops. There are some peat fields and bogs as well. The Flora is very diverse, and 328 vascular plant species having been identified. The physiognomy is dominated by species of Asteraceae (21%) and Poaceae (19.8%), followed by Cyperaceae, Melastomataceae and Solanaceae. Genera with greater specific richness are Baccharis, Eupatorium and Senecio (Asteraceae); Briza, Paspalum and Stipa (Poaceae); Bulbostylis, Carex, Cyperus, Eleocharis and Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae); Leandra and Tibouchina (Melastomataceae) and Solanum (Solanaceae). The area is in a good state of repair probably as a result of the difficulty of access to higher places. The extensive breeding of cattle delays, or even prevents, the advance of surrounding woods into grasslands. The main threat of transformation in the landscape is the recent cultivation of Pinus observed in some areas.Downloads
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