Morphology and distribution of <I>Caloneis, Lyrella, Moreneis, Petroneis</I> and <I>Pinnularia</I> in sandy beaches of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil
The morphology and distribution of Caloneis, Lyrella, Moreneis, Petroneis and Pinnularia were studied from 20 sandy beaches of the littoral of Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The morphological variability observed in Caloneis africana, Lyrella abruptoides, Moreneis hexagona, Petroneis humerosa, Pinnularia neuquina and Pinnularia trevelyana was similar to descriptions found in the literature. All species were found in low relative frequency and they are recorded for the first time to Santa Catarina State. Distribution data suggest that C. africana and P. neuquina are South Hemisphere species, while P. neuquina and P. humerosa would be cosmopolitan as well as Moreneis genus. Regarding their distribution in the studied area: P. humerosa and C. africana were recorded in all types of beaches, L. abruptoides in a bay, P. neuquina in intermediate beaches and M. hexagona and P. trevelyana were recorded in dissipative beaches.
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