Lianas of a forest remanent in the Rio Novo Microbasin, Orleans, Santa Catarina, Brazil


  • Vanilde Citadini-Zanette Fundação do Meio Ambiente - FATMA, Criciúma
  • João Juares Soares Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos
  • Clair Maria Martinello-Baillargeon Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense - FUCRI/UNESC, Criciúma


Qualitative and quantitative surveys about lianas (woody vines) were carried out at a remanescent of Atlantic slope forest in Rio Novo Basin, Orleans, Santa Catarina State (28°21'32" S, 49"17'29" W, 280 m a.s.l.). Samples of all reproductive or vegetative lianas were collected for the floristic study. The phytosociological survey was carried out over an area of one hectare, that was divided into 50 contiguous plots of 1Ox20 m. The species name and the stem diameter near to the ground, were recorded for estimating the phytosociological parameters; each sprout at the ground level, with a stem diameter of 5 cm or more, was considered as an individual, being inc1uded in the phytosociological sampling. 23 species belonging to 14 families were found in the floristic survey, and 16 species distributed in 12 families were found in the phytosociological study. In both samplings, Bignoniaceae presented the greatest species richness, with 22% and 19% of all species sampled, respectively. Bauhinia angulosa Vog. (Caesalpiniaceae) presented the greatest importance value (172,8) and covervalue (131,8), and also presented the greatest relative values of frequency (41,0%), density (56,9%) and dominance (74,9%).




