The <I>Maranta</I> L. Genus (Marantaceae) from state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil
Eight species are described from genus Maranta L. (Marantaceae) from State of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. Maranta anderssoniana and Maranta hatschbachiana (Marantaceae) are described as a new species to science. Illustrations and their relationships between other species of Marantaceae are briefly discussed. Notes about geographic distributions and ecological aspects are pointed too. M. anderssoniana distinguished from the others specially by the zingiberoid growth habit and green color leaves; M. hatschbachiana by rosulate habit and thickened rhizome. The same treatment with a key for identification is present for M. arundinacea L., M. bicolor Ker Gawl, M. divaricata Rosc., M. leuconeura Morren, M. protracta Miq. e M. zingiberina L. Anderss. They are also registrated for humid forest of Pernambuco.Downloads
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