Diatoms from the digestive tract of three shrimps species in the marine fishery - Santa Catarina - Brazil
Artemesia Longinaris Bate. PLeoticus muellerii Bate and Trachypenaeus constrictus Stimpson are importants species in the marine fishery in the Baia de Tijucas (27°17'54" and 48°30"36"E - 48°32'24"W). The material for the diatoms analysis from the digestive tract of the species of shrimp studied was obtained from sub-samples of the comercial drags. There were identified 44 taxa distributed in 14 families. The best represented familie is Coscinodiscaceae with 25% from the total of taxa identified. Coscinodiscus wailesii Gran & Angst is the new record for Santa Catarina 8tate. From the total of taxa identified, 73,3% were present in A. Longinaris; 48,8% in P. muellerii 31,1% in T. constrictus and 17,7% are common to the three species of shrimps studieds.Downloads
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