Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta benthic from de Ratones Grande Island - Santa Catarina - Brazil


  • Zenilda Laurita Bouzon Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Kátia Regina Sgrott Sauer Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


The present paper refers to the benthic Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta of the Ratones Grande's Island, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina (48°03'46"W and 27°28'16"). The collects were made in the period of autumn, winter and spring (1986) e summer (1987). Twenty seven specific taxa were identified, and of then were new records for the state. We present a list of the taxa containing coments about reprodutives stages, associations and ecological data. Descriptions and illustrations to the species not yet for the state are made.

Author Biographies

Zenilda Laurita Bouzon, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Associate Professor, Department of Biology - UFSC - Trindade - Florianópolis - SC - CEP 88040-900.

Kátia Regina Sgrott Sauer, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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