Chemotaxonomy of marine organisms: the childhood of a new discipline


  • Alphonse Kelecom Universidade Federal Fluminense


Chemotaxonomy of marine organism originated in the second half of this century. Untill now, only few remarquahle results werw obtained because too much emphasis was given to the search of finger prints and because a presence/absence criterion was used for comparison purposes. In this work, alternative methodologies are briefly commented and are illustrated with results from the study of brown algae of the genus Dictyota (Phaeophyta, Dictyotales).

Author Biography

Alphonse Kelecom, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Associate professor and vice director of the Institute of Biology of the UFF.
Natural Products Laboratory of the Sea, Department of General Biology, PO Box 100183-24000 Niterói, RJ - Brazil.

