Chroococcales (Cyanophyceae) from the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. 1. <I>Microcystis</I>


  • Lucy Miriam de Carvalho-de-La-Mora Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


A qualitative survey of the genus Microcystis (Cyanophyceae: Chroococcales) from the State of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. The following taxa were identified and their localities of occurrence stablished: M. aeruginosa f. aeruginosa, M. aeruginosa f. flos-aquae, M. densa, M. fonticola, M. glevillei, M. glevillei f. pulchra, M. incerta, M. litoralis, M. muscicota, M. pallida, and M. roeseana. Except for M. aeruginosa f. aeruginosa and M. aeruginosa f. flos-aquae, all other taxa were reported for the first time for Pernambuco.

Author Biography

Lucy Miriam de Carvalho-de-La-Mora, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Ecology Laboratory, Department of General Biology - UFP - Recife.

