Chemotaxonomy of Dictyotales (Phaeophyta). 2. The <I>Dictyota</I> group
The "Dictyota" group of algae has furnished more than 180 diterpenes, with 27 different skeleton types. They have been isolated from 28 species that belong to the genera Dictyota (16 species), Dilophus (6), Glossophora (2), Pachydictyon (1), Spatoglossum (2) and Stoechospermum (1). Diterpenes have been separated into three chemical groups (I to III) depending on the first formal cyclization of their common biosynthetic precursor, geranyl-geraniol. Metabolites have been characterized by oxidation and skeleton indices. The mean values of these indices, calculated for each chemical group (I to III) in each considered genus indicated that diterpenes are valuable taxonomic markers of the "Dictyota" group.Downloads
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