Domestic Labor and the Lack of Social Security Protection in Brazil: Questions for Analysis


  • Rita de Lourdes de Lima UFRN - Natal - RN
  • Amanda Kelly Belo da Silva UFRN - Natal - RN
  • Franciclézia de Sousa Barreto Silva UERN - Natal - RN
  • Milena Gomes de Medeiros UFRN - Natal - RN



This article analyzes domestic labor in Brazil, considering gender, the sexual division of labor and social security, which are influenced by the social transformations of the late 20th century. To do so, a dialog was established with various theoreticians including: Boschetti, Hirata, Kergoat, Nogueira and Saffioti.A historical review of the sexual division of labor in capitalist society is conducted, utilizing the concept of gender and examining inequality between men and women in the work force. Then, looking at social security in Brazil, the  implications of counter reforms to the system for female labor and particularly for domestic work are analyzed, identifying the real lack of social protection suffered by the entire working class.

