In the crossing of poetry and songs, it’s possible to learn “samba in school”
The article proposes the inclusion of Brazilian popular music in disciplines that contemplate the study of the Language and the Literature, as a strategy to approximate the youth to the poetry. Songs, due to their way of circulating, invade the world of the youth and present them the formal characteristics of the lyric poetry, besides translating emotions and collective feelings. Under such angle, song and poetry do not distinguish themselves by their structural components, since both modalities can contain esthetic attributes. This point of view is sustained, in this article, by researchers such as Marisa Lajolo, Salete de Almeida Cara, Salvatore D’Onofrio and by the exposition of the poetry origin and its evolution, which prove that sonorous traces are presented in contemporaneous poems even that the register of the written word has provoked the rupture between the poetic art and the music. To prove the legitimacy of the convergence of poems and songs, the authors of this article analyze and interpret texts belonging to both genres, indicating common elements between them, such as the exploration of expressive resources of the language, that invoke the receptor’s participation in the deciphering of their meaning, and reflections about the human condition and about their circumstances. Therefore, the authors affirm that the reasons of esthetic and sociocultural order justify the inclusion of songs in the scholar ambit, since, such as the poems, they materialize the purpose of the art in conferring words to human feelings, while reaffirming the expressive potential of the lyric language.
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