On a government of memories: aspects of a domain of the real


  • Vinícius Nicastro Honesko Universidade Federal do Paraná




From considerations on issues related to the theory of history, the he present essay analyses how an historiographical narrative production contains some aspects which can also be detected on the contemporary manners of management of information and political government based on cybernetic patterns. Therefore, at first it exposes how the ways of operating on historiography can be comprehended as a poetics of knowledge and, in a second moment, it intertwines this dynamic with the patterns of management of the probabilities in scope of the physical and social sciences. Lastly, it exposes how the production of a real by means of the control of the probabilities became the central axis to the domination of the human experiences in all its breadth (since the management of the memories until the government practices in the strict sense).

Author Biography

Vinícius Nicastro Honesko, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Professor adjunto de História Contemporânea na Universidade Federal do Paraná.


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