

  • Rogerio F. Guerra Professor-Titular e Editor da Revista de Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Ciências Humanas. Endereço para correspondências: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Psicologia, Campus Universitário, Florianópolis, SC, 88040-970




Some writers have recurred to the scientific knowledge for describing
diseases and mental disturbances of their characters. It appears that it improves the quality of literary texts, as may be seen in the classic novels  by Leon Tolstoy (The death of Ivan Ilytch, 1886), and Thomas Mann (The black swan, 1953), for example; in our idiom, some Brazilian writers have described the personality disorders, social effects of tropical diseases and the genesis of fanatical rebellions (e.g., Lima Barreto, J. Guimarães Rosa and Euclydes da Cunha). On the other hand, authors  and fictitious characters may be used for naming diseases and scientific phenomenon (eponyms), such as Münchhausen and Stendhal syndromes, Lilliputian hallucinations (Jonathan Swift), Mr. Pickwick syndrome (Charles Dickens) and mad hatter’s disease (Lewis Carroll). Good science and good literature are not incompatible, but the opposite is true. We postulated that novels and poetry may be used for training professional abilities, since it makes better the writing of technical texts and improve the observational capacity regarding the symptoms of diseases,as well as preserve the empathy of professionals from the health services on human suffering.

Author Biography

Rogerio F. Guerra, Professor-Titular e Editor da Revista de Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Ciências Humanas. Endereço para correspondências: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Psicologia, Campus Universitário, Florianópolis, SC, 88040-970

Professor Rogério F. Guerra                       
Posição acadêmica: Professor titular
Data e local de nascimento: Em 06/11/54, Espera Feliz/ MG. Graduação Curso: Psicologia  Instituição: Universidade Gama Filho/ RJ  Ano: 1979 
Pós-Graduação  Nível: Doutorado  Instituição: Universidade de São Paulo/ SP Ano: 1985  Título da tese: Variáveis "Ecológicas" no Comportamento de Armazenar Material de Ninho em Hamster Dourado (Mesocricetus arautus)




