Indians in urban context, socio-cultural and linguistic conflicts: The example of Akwe-Xerente
In this paper, and from the standpoint of sociolinguistics,we discuss some aspects of the Xerente
occupation in the municipality of Tocantínia,
a small city located north of Palmas (TO). The
ethnographic method served as a guide for data
collection and for the observation of the sociolinguistic
reality of the Akw?-Xerente people in the
city. Among other aspects, the paper presents the
points of sociocultural conflicts within the urban
context, given the constant migration process that
takes place and the marginalized situation in which
these indigenous populations are exposed in such
an environment. Through the observation of contact
phenomena, such as loanwords and code-switching
(alternating languages), it was found that the
speech events held in (or on) the city are those with
greater frequency and diversity / complexity, revealing
the urban environment as a potentiating area
of several conflicts for indigenous peoples, as is the
case of the Xerente.
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