Ortega y Gasset: University and science
This article investigates how the Spanishphilosopher Ortega y Gasset associates the limits
of the scientific reason with the culture crisis that
he sees in Europe. This theme is indicated to be the
theme of Husserl`s famous talk called The European
Humanity Crisis and the Philosophy. However,
Ortega`s analysis is wider than the one made by
Husserl. Ortega evaluates that the unauthentic life
is another aspect of the culture crisis that happens
in addition to the inadequate understanding of the
science, of the childish behavior and the irresponsible
enjoyment of mass-man. So, the orteguian analysis
has common points with the made Husserl, but it is
broader because it includes an ontological element
linked to the human condition, as a result of the
crisis of the culture that was then being experienced.
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