Luhmann, Lotman and the problem of boundary: a critical reflexion of the theoretical categories of inclusion and exclusion


  • Jan Steffens Technische Universität Dresden, Deutschland
  • Suene de Souza Dantas Universidade Federal de Sergipe



This paper intends to give insight to the recent debate in Germany about inclusion and exclusion and the existing difficulties in the scientific discussion with both categories, especially concerning a theoretical definition. The position of Luhmanns system theory will hereby be in the center of critical analysis. Furthermore, by introducing the theoretical concept of the boundary, which will be discussed not only as a closure of a system, but as a space of all social dialog between systems, it seeks another view on boundaries, similar to the category in the semiotic culture theory of Yuri Lotman. Exclusion in this perspective would be a monolog of reigning systems of power at the spatiotemporal space of a system boundary and a socially produced exclusion from partial systems, which are taking part in the transformation of the social system as a whole. Inclusion therefor would be a dialog at the boundaries between psychic and social systems, based on the appreciation of human and civil rights, which always includes the willingness to mutual influence and change through the other. 

Author Biographies

Jan Steffens, Technische Universität Dresden, Deutschland

Colaborador de Ensino e Pesquisa no Departamento de Educação, Cadeira de Educação Inclusiva, Universidade Técnica de Dresden, Alemanha

(wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur für Erziehungswissenschaften mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung, Technische Universität Dresden, Deutschland)


Doutorando em Educação pela Universidade de Bremen, Alemanha

Suene de Souza Dantas, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Mestranda em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). Graduada em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF)


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