Autonomy despite dependence: a dimensional anthropology construction in the dialog between Frankl and Hartmann
The article is about a theoretical study in which we present points of Nicolai Hartmann’s Dimensional Ontology and their relation with Viktor Frankl’s Ontological-Dimensional Anthropology. Besides the points in which Hartmann’s clear influence in Frankl’s thinking can be noticed, we sought to get to elements of the former’s thinking to beyond what serves as basis to Logotherapy. As for Hartmann’s influence, we came to the conclusion of the centrality of his Dimensional Ontology in the franklian structure, certified by the granting to “psycho-physical” conditioning and by the critic to pandeterminism and reductionism. The result is the formula: “autonomy despite dependence”. As for the elements that are beyond what fundaments Logotherapy, we could notice dialog fruitful possibilities, because of the discussion about “a-temporal” spiritual life and “objective spirit”.
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