Design in parallax: a discussion on the coexistence of different contemporary design approaches


  • Patrícia Feronha Wielewicki Faculdade de Belas Artes - FBAUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • Rui Miguel Ferreira Roda Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos -UNISINOS, Brasil e Politecnico di Milano, Italia



With basis on the Hal Foster’s polemic work ‘Design and Crime: and other diatribes’, approaching design as a cultural modulation tool and consumption promoting agent, this study establishes a debate among theoreticians in the area of design and other knowledge areas in order to discuss the “design crime” suggested by the author. By means of a review of literature, the concepts of identity, value and role of design are addressed and the use of ‘design in parallax’ is proposed as a concept, which may contribute for reflecting the stereotyped recurrent features of design. Conclusions point to the need for deepening reflection on the place of design within the complex and paradoxal contemporary scenery and signal the coexistence of different design approaches, assumed in this work as a multifaceted field of action with blurred contours.

Author Biographies

Patrícia Feronha Wielewicki, Faculdade de Belas Artes - FBAUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

PhD Researcher in Art and Design - University of Porto, Portugal since 2013. Master's Degree in Design - University of Aveiro, Portugal. Integrates investigation networks at the University of Porto, Portugal; the University of Aveiro, Portugal and Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil carrying out different creative processes aiming at developing innovation strategies grounded in Strategic Design. Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development  (CNPq,  Brazil) conducting research in the areas of innovation and projects in Design. Experience in teaching, business consulting, development of projects in Design and Innovation Management, besides in the mediation of joint projects between universities and companies.

Rui Miguel Ferreira Roda, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos -UNISINOS, Brasil e Politecnico di Milano, Italia

Professor and Researcher in Design - Vale do Rio dos Sinos University (UNISINOS) - Porto Alegre, Brazil; Politecnico di Milano – Italy; Aveiro University - Portugal. PhD in Design at the Politecnico di Milano (2007), Italy. Member of the Portuguese Architectural Association, experience and participation in projects developed in various design companies (e.g. Sottsass Associati) and investigation networks at the referred institutions. Research interests: strategic design for the dynamic reuse of abandoned buildings, participatory design, co-design and creative collaboration focused on the reuse of contemporary cities.


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