Rap and politics: a theoretical-methodological debate
This paper aims to problematize some works on the research of Rap genre, and propose another approach. These works put Rap on a place of politicized art. The arts, however, do not operate with hierarchies, but inventing other places. In contrast to an idea of community that works hierarchically, we work from the concept of politics in the aesthetic regime of arts, as thought by Jacques Rancière, which does not to define the place of art, but analyzes it on their aesthetic effectiveness, because any art has the power to make politics, regardless of its contents or motives. We understand that, by the double power of arts - messing up the evidence of domination and destination of bodies - we can understand this democratic era. We propose to analyze these scenes where the bodies, at first destined by the hierarchies to obedience or politicized art, participate in a political subjectivity process.
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