Sebastião Salgado as well asYan Arthus Bertrand are mapping the world, undertaking an extraordinary work of capturing images. Both photograph people at every place of the world, even at the smallest ones. Why is Salgado is than so much more celebrated? Maybe the answer lays in the relation "subject-object". Knowing means for Salgado to photograph.The presuppositions of both photographs are revealed in that way of mediation. In a sense, their positions are alike. The position assumed by Bertrand is macro referential, and he captures groups from an uncommon
point of view, showing man's superiority over the planet/nature. Salgado,
on his turn, states that it is necessary to go down. While participant, he deeply immerses in sounds, aromas, gestures and reappropriations. When approaching an object, the subject is forced to take a stand.
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