

  • Guillermo Foladori Pesquisador visitante CNPq, Doutorado em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento - UFPR.




There are three main currents in economics that consider the environmental issue: the environmental economics which is the neoclassical and Keynesian approach, the ecological economics which applies the thermodynamic laws as guiding criteria of the economic organization, and the marxist economics which submits the relationship society/nature to the productive contradictions within society. In this brief exposition, we are going to present the logic of the environmental economics, proving that the proposed solution, paradoxically, represents a clear demonstration of the non sustentability of capitalism, the economy this current defends. As for the ecological economics, we will also show that its extermal critics against the mechanisms of the capitalist economy cannot explain the causes of the environmental problems. Finally, we will demonstrate how the marxist analysis of capitalism is the best way to understand the causes and tendencies that drive the human behavior towards nature.

Author Biography

Guillermo Foladori, Pesquisador visitante CNPq, Doutorado em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento - UFPR.

Possui graduação em ANTROPOLOGIA SOCIAL - Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (1975), mestrado em Antropología Social - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (1979) e doutorado em Economia - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (1985). Tem experiência na área de Ciências Sociais, com ênfase em Sociologia do Meio Ambiente, e Nanotecnologia e Sociedade. Temas de atuação: meio ambiente, desenvolvimento sustentavel, saúde, nanotecnologias. E membro da International Nanotechnology & Society Network e da Rede Latinoamericana de Nanotecnologia e Sociedade. Tem sido consultor da OIT, BID e diversas ONGs. Certificado pelo autor em 23/11/11




