

  • Vicente Palermo Vicente Palermo Instituto Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires — Argentina.




This article examines — in the light of studies, analyses and essays
upon the recent Argentinian and Brazilian political processes — the dominant literature on the interpretation of the Latin American political regimes. It postulates the existence of several interpretative currents wich accompany a route where both countries suffer three great inflections: the restablishment of the democratic political regime; the deep transformation of the adopted economical organizacional model of the present analytic current and think over a possible configuration of a new interpretative current. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first, which is published in this issue, it discusses the traces of politics and democratic institutions in Brazil and Argentina. In the second part (to be published in the next issue), we analyse the performance of these institutions with regard to the economic and state
changes and come to some general conclusions.

Author Biography

Vicente Palermo Vicente Palermo, Instituto Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires — Argentina.

Buenos Aires, 1951. Cientista político e ensaísta, sociólogo pela Universidad de Buenos Aires e doutor em ciência política pela Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Morou na Espanha, no Brasil e na Itália, e é pesquisador principal do CONICET (Argentina) e do Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Dedica-se a questões de política latino-americana comparada e de política e história argentina recentes, e é autor de vários livros e numerosos artigos sobre estes temas. Pertence ao Club Político Argentino (Buenos Aires), à Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político e à Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política. É Guggenheim 2006 Fellowship. Premio LASA Iberoamericano 2009. Certificado pelo autor em 20/05/11




