

  • Lazslo A. Avila Faculdade de Medicina de Sao José do Rio Preto, SP.




This paper has the purpose of presenting the comprehension of the human phenomenon, articulating the understanding of what groupality means as a constitutive feature of humanization, beginning with the biological fundamental presuppositions, from the species selection to
the configuration of the human organism as an integrated system
of organs and cells. The body's groupality is inherent to the cohabitation
of 75 trillion of independent alive cells, besides the innumerable micro- organisms that are arranged in a way that gives living conditions to the individual. We evoke a poet and a writer, Otávio Paz and Jorge Luis Borges, who have given masterly descriptions of the unique human spirit, which, thanks to language, inhabits all men and permits that each one recognizes himself as part of the larger collectivity  of all human beings, since the beginning of History. Agreeing with Freud and his demonstration, we state that what exists in man is no more nature, but pulse, which constitutes the boundary between the psychic and the somatic and
therefore his "nature" is a "constructed nature". So the human body
must be understood as a body molded by the mind, which, in turn,
can only be understood if we comprehend it as a "collective work",
product of all human minds. In that sense, the mind is the group, and the
body, that proceeds from the mind, can only be presented as a group
product, a cultural body that only remotely remembers its biological
origin. The group is also a body, as far as individuals have bodies, and,
as a new organism, it is an outcome of Eros whose core function is to
go on creating new unities, enlarging and making them more complex.

Author Biography

Lazslo A. Avila, Faculdade de Medicina de Sao José do Rio Preto, SP.

Possui graduação em Psicologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (1976), mestrado em Psicologia Social pela Universidade de São Paulo (1983) e doutorado em Psicologia Clínica pela Universidade de São Paulo (1995). Realizou pesquisa de pós-doutorado na University of Cambridge, UK (2000-2001), com a orientação do professor G. E. Berrios. Atualmente é Livre Docente do departamento de Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica da Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto Autarquia Estadual, professor titular da Sociedade de Psicoterapias Analíticas do Estado de São Paulo e professor titular do Núcleo de Estudos Em Saúde Mental e Psicanálise das Configurações Vinculares. É autor de três livros na área da Psicossomática de orientação psicanalítica. Tem experiência na área de Psicologia, com ênfase em Intervenção Terapêutica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: psicanálise, psicossomática, autismo, grupos e vínculos. Certificado pelo autor em 16/03/12




