Alucinação transensorial


  • Johannes Birringer Design And Performance Lab



Após uma breve reflexão sobre teorias do digital e não-digital, este ensaio se preocupa com questões da percepção comum e dos sentidos não usuais, enfatizando a kinaesthetic, noções transensoriais de ex-stasis e o afeto material do ambiente. O autor discute exemplos retirados de estudos atmosféricos, de objetos arquitetônicos e coreográficos, assim como do design de vestimentas usadas em ambientes sensoriais performáticos que foram concebidos como formativos, não construídos em formas estáveis. Além disso, baseando suas investigações em ambientes elementais e coreografias aurais de produções recentes do DAP-Lab, esse ensaio explora os impactos das vestimentas que afetam, e são afetadas por, as interfaces de realidade aumentada e virtualidade aumentada em atmosferas cinéticas – aqui chamadas “kimospheres” – no sentido em que o compositor Xenakis havia imaginado arquiteturas multimídia reverberantes e intensidades espaciais para serem instrumentos vivos, não objetos estáticos ou envelopes.

Biografia do Autor

Johannes Birringer, Design And Performance Lab

Johannes Birringer is an independent choreographer/media artist. Since 1993 he has been artistic director of AlienNation Co (, and  has created numerous dance-theatre works, videos, digital media installations and site-specific performances in collaboration with artists in Europe, the Americas, China, Japan and Australia. His film installation “Vespucci” toured Brazil in 2001; a dance film, “XU”, was created and exhibited in Beijing in 2004, and “Canções dos olhos / Augenlieder“ (with music by Paulo C. Chagas) was featured at SARC, Belfast and the 2007 Dança em Foco in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The collaborative telematic installation “East by West“ was shown at DEAF2003, Rotterdam. The oratorio “Corpo, Carne e Espírito,“ created with Paulo C. Chagas, opened the 2008 FIT Theatre Festival in Belo Horizonte. He lives in Houston and London, and co-directs the Design and Performance Lab at the Artaud Center, Brunel University London, where he is a professor of performance technologies ( Together with fashion designer Michèle Danjoux he has created immersive dance works featuring electro-acoustic and sensortized wearables. DAP-Lab’s “Suna no Onna“ premiered in London in 2007; the mixed reality installation “UKIYO [Moveable Worlds]“ premiered in 2009-10 before touring in Eastern Europe in 2010. A new dance opera, “for the time being/Victory over the Sun,“ premiered at Watermans International Digital Arts Festival in 2012; an expanded version was shown at Sadler’s Wells (2014). The dance film “Lung Pulmo Pneumo“ was exhibited at Cinedans Festival, Amsterdam, in 2014. He collaborated on the European METABODY project, and DAP-Lab’s kimospheres, a series of immersive installations, began touring in 2015-18. He is also founding director of Interaktionslabor, an annual media lab housed in an abandoned coalmine in the Saarland (




