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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article submitted is unpublished and has not been submitted to any other scientific journal.
  • All authors participate in the elaboration of the article.
  • The article reflects the scope theme of the journal. Collective Health / Mental Health.

Guidelines for articles


Theoretical assays: Conceptual analysis, new perspectives (maximum 6,000 words and 5 figures)

Report of professional experience or service: Description of academic, care and extension (maximum 4,000 words).

Reporting of personal experience: User stories/people in recovery process (maximum 4,000 words)

Original Articles: Empirical research products that have not been submitted concurrently to other means of scientific dissemination (maximum 8,000 words and 5 figures).

Literature reviews: reviews of books, articles, thesis, etc. (Maximum of 5,000 words and 5 illustrations).

Discussion: Refer to a theoretical article, consisting of manuscripts of authors from different institutions, with author's answers (maximum of 4,000 words and 5 illustrations).


The "ABNT" standard for the presentation of scientific papers, including its rules for bibliographic references, will be adopted. The relevant standards are available in http://portal.bu.ufsc.br/normalizacao/

Manuscripts should be submitted in file format "doc" or "docx," Arial font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, with margins of 2.0 cm on all sides, the pages numbered in the lower right corner of each page.


Additional specifications:

  • Centered title in the original language (Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian or English), in bold, in capital letters, size 12. It should be concise and synthetic, portraying the most relevant aspects of the manuscript content;
  • Title version centralized English, italicized, uppercase and lowercase letters, size 11, just below the main title;
  • ABSTRACT - in Portuguese with no more than 250 words, followed by a maximum of five keywords.
  • The home page of the manuscript and the other pages should NOT contain author’s names. The file submitted must be anonymous for peer review. This author information (name, affiliation, email, etc.) must be registered for the submission of the manuscript. See the link "Submission step by step" for information.
  • For research articles the follow structure is suggested: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, Study limitations, Conclusion, and References.
  • For other categories, greater variation of structure is allowed.
  • Main heading should be bolded and capitalized.
  • Subcategories should be bolded and in lower case.
  • Additional authors must be specified in the submission process, following the deliberations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, www.icmje.org.
  • Acknowledgements are allowed after the article is accepted.

References follow ABNT standards, http://portalbu.ufsc.br/normalizacao-de-trabalhos-2/


Other conditions:

  • Proper formatting according to journal guidelines.
  • The item has had not been submitted to any other journal.
  • All authors participated in the preparation of the article.
  • The article reflects the journal’s scope of subject i.e. Collective Health, Mental Health etc.
  • Authors must sign copyright transfer to the Journal Notebooks Mental Health Brazilians, with specifications regarding future reproduction of the article or parts of it.
  • The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.

IMPORTANT: The manuscript homepage and other pages should NOT contain information on the author's name (s) and affiliation (s). The submitted file must be anonymous, for evaluation purposes by the journal's reviewers. All authorship information (name, affiliation, email, etc.) must be registered during the submission of the manuscript. See the "Step by step submission" link for information.