Analysis of changes impact in the Brazilian Accounting Standards: a comparative study of the economic and financial ratios of brazilian companies for the year 2007


  • Josué Pires Braga FEA/USP
  • Marcelo Bicalho Viturino de Araujo FEA/USP
  • Marcelo Álvaro da Silva Macedo FACC/UFRJ
  • Luiz João Corrar FEA/USP



The main objective of this study is to compare economic and financial ratios of Brazilian companies traded, listed on the Bovespa. Tests were performed for mean differences for the following indicators of the 75 companies in the sample: debt, profitability, debt composition, immobilization of non-current resources and participation of financial result in operating expenses. The following accounting components were also analyzed: fixed assets and net profit. Empirical evidence suggest a significant change (increase) only in the debt ratio with the restatement of 2007 financial statements in accordance with new accounting practices adopted in Brazil. Already with regard to the profitability, debt composition, immobilization of non-current resources and participation of the financial result in operating expenses, and the components fixed assets and net income, there is no evidence of significant differences in values derived from statements of 2007 “original” and “restratement”.

Author Biographies

Josué Pires Braga, FEA/USP

Mestre em Contabilidade e Controladoria na Universidade de São Paulo Professor na Faculdade Anísio Teixeira

Marcelo Bicalho Viturino de Araujo, FEA/USP

Mestre em Contabilidade e Controladoria na Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Analista do Banco Central do Brasil

Marcelo Álvaro da Silva Macedo, FACC/UFRJ


Luiz João Corrar, FEA/USP

Livre-docência pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor da Universidade de São Paulo



How to Cite

Braga, J. P., Araujo, M. B. V. de, Macedo, M. Álvaro da S., & Corrar, L. J. (2011). Analysis of changes impact in the Brazilian Accounting Standards: a comparative study of the economic and financial ratios of brazilian companies for the year 2007. Revista Contemporânea De Contabilidade, 8(15), 105–128.


