Decision-making process and its developments in international accounting research


  • Jandira Sandra Ferreira Universidade Mackenzie
  • Ricardo Lopes Cardoso Universidade Mackenzie
  • Octávio Ribeiro Mendonça Universidade Mackenzie



In this paper we analyzed the distribution, methodological procedures, evolution and the thematic of scientific publications about decision-making in accounting, as well as its authors In the time horizon analyzed (between 1998 and 2011), we focused on the main international accounting journals where we identified 63 papers on decision-making in accounting. We made a bibliographic and bibliometric research in these 63 articles that were written by 125 authors, linked to 123 universities.

Author Biographies

Jandira Sandra Ferreira, Universidade Mackenzie

Prof. Mackenzie

Ricardo Lopes Cardoso, Universidade Mackenzie

Prof. Dr.Mackenzie

Octávio Ribeiro Mendonça, Universidade Mackenzie



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How to Cite

Ferreira, J. S., Cardoso, R. L., & Mendonça, O. R. (2013). Decision-making process and its developments in international accounting research. Revista Contemporânea De Contabilidade, 10(19), 141–156.


