Analysis of segmental information: disclosure of management information by brazilian companies


  • Humberto Silva Aillón Universidade de São Paulo
  • Júlio Orestes da Silva Universidade de São Paulo
  • Anderson Ferreira Pinzan Universidade de São Paulo
  • Artur Filipe Ewald Wuerges



The scenario of international accounting convergence leads Brazilian organizations to a new reality of informational challenge, the disclosure of management information, for example, the segmental information. The aim of this work is to verify how the management information are disclosure in the note published for segmental information in the companies listed in the IBrX-50. Findings demonstrate (i) the disclosure is different among sectors, (ii) there is a low level of management information disclosure. These variables may be an indicative of an attempt to hide the inefficiency of managers, or deletion of information as informational barrier for new competitors.

Author Biography

Humberto Silva Aillón, Universidade de São Paulo

Ciências Contábeis - Contabilidade Gerencial.

Controladoria e Gestão Estratégica de Custos.


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How to Cite

Aillón, H. S., Silva, J. O. da, Pinzan, A. F., & Wuerges, A. F. E. (2013). Analysis of segmental information: disclosure of management information by brazilian companies. Revista Contemporânea De Contabilidade, 10(19), 33–48.


