Does the way that the balance sheet is presented alter the perception of the external user in regard to understanding of informational content? An investigation in the Brazilian and Cape-Verdean contexts


  • Valdemir Galvão de Carvalho
  • José Jailson da Silva
  • Carlos Jorge Fontainhas Mendes
  • José Dionísio Gomes da Silva



This study seeks to investigate whether the way the balance sheet is presented alters the perception of Brazilian and Cape-Verdean academicians when it comes to the understanding of informational content for decision making. An experiment was carried out with different balance sheet formats: one which was adapted according to the Brazilian format, and the other was European. 152 questionnaires were administered to academicians from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte and other 64 were administered to academicians from Universidade do Cabo Verde. Descriptives and analysis of variance suggest the occurrence of framing effect. In addition, the statistical findings show that the subordination to the format can influence understanding on informational content, and the way that the statements are presented can influence the user’s interpretation.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, V. G. de, da Silva, J. J., Mendes, C. J. F., & Gomes da Silva, J. D. (2013). Does the way that the balance sheet is presented alter the perception of the external user in regard to understanding of informational content? An investigation in the Brazilian and Cape-Verdean contexts. Revista Contemporânea De Contabilidade, 10(21), 71–86.


