The role of accounting in the provision of information for organizational performance evaluation


  • Valdirene Gasparetto UFSC - Florianópolis - SC



The role of accounting as a source of information for the managing performance evaluation is an important one. In order to improve the way the performance of enterprises is evaluated several models have been envisaged recently and despite the criticism of the accounting indices that are traditionally used by enterprises to evaluate their performance, they are acknowledged as still important. Instead of replacing them, as some authors have proposed, they ought to be complemented with indices of other areas. It is the duty of accounting to undertake the right actions in order to identify the current changes in the business environment so as to register the accounting events adequately, provide measures to invest the accounting data base with flexibility and provide useful information for the new objectives.

Author Biography

Valdirene Gasparetto, UFSC - Florianópolis - SC

Possui graduação em Ciências Contábeis, mestrado e doutorado em Engenharia de Produção. Atualmente é professora do curso de Ciências Contábeis da UFSC.

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Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.



How to Cite

Gasparetto, V. (2004). The role of accounting in the provision of information for organizational performance evaluation. Revista Contemporânea De Contabilidade, 1(2), 109–122.


