Market power and tax aggressiveness




Market Power, Tax Aggressiveness, Tax Planning


The aim of this study is to analyze whether Brazilian companies listed on the Brasil, Bolsa and Balcão (B3) with greater market power are more tax aggressive. The gap in this research arose from the absence of empirical evidence on the relations between the market power of companies and their tax aggressiveness, when operating in a developing market, and in a country with a code law legal structure. This paper contributes to filling this gap by studying this relation through multiple linear regression and quantile regression analysis. The results indicate that, in Brazil, the greater the company's market power, the more aggressive its tax planning is, when comparted to the industry median.

Author Biographies

Jose Valdir Marcolino , Fucape Business School

Mestre em Contabilidade na Fucape Business School, Vitória/ES, Brasil

Nadia Cardoso Moreira, Fucape Business School

Doutora em Ciências Contábeis e Administração na Fucape Business School

Professora da FUCAPE Business School, Vitória/ES, Brasi

Silvania Neris , Fucape Business School

Doutora em Ciências Contábeis e Administração na Fucape Business School

Professora da FUCAPE Business School, Vitória/ES, Brasil

Aridelmo Teixeira, Fucape Business School

Doutor em Controladoria e Contabilidade na Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Professor da FUCAPE Business School, Vitória/ES, Brasi


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How to Cite

Jose Valdir Marcolino, Moreira, N. C., Silvania Neris, & Teixeira, A. . (2022). Market power and tax aggressiveness. Revista Contemporânea De Contabilidade, 19(51), 03–18.


