Cost accounting applications in local governments: the case of municipal tariff and price setting in the north of Portugal


  • Teresa do Carmo Salgueiro da Costa IPCA - Lisboa - PT
  • João Baptista Salgueiro da Costa Carvalho IPCA - Lisboa - PT



Local governments currently face a lack of resources to meet the continuous rise of local needs. The revenues in which local governments hold the largest financial leeway come from tariffs and prices. Therefore, it is important to analyse the information that is used in setting the rates to charge to goods and services users. The local government accounting chart answered this need by establishing cost accounting to be compulsory in the identification of the working costs and the costs underlying the setting of goods and services’ tariffs and prices. Therefore, we understand that it is pertinent to ensure whether local government is implementing such an accounting system, that it is supplying relevant information for setting the rates to charge to consumers.

Author Biographies

Teresa do Carmo Salgueiro da Costa, IPCA - Lisboa - PT

Possui Mestrado em Contabilidade e Auditoria pela Universidade do Minho, é doutoranda da área contabilística e financeira na Universidade de Vigo.

João Baptista Salgueiro da Costa Carvalho, IPCA - Lisboa - PT

Possui doutorado em Ciências Empresariais, especialização em Contabilidade pela Universidade de Zaragoza - ES.



How to Cite

Costa, T. do C. S. da, & Carvalho, J. B. S. da C. (2008). Cost accounting applications in local governments: the case of municipal tariff and price setting in the north of Portugal. Revista Contemporânea De Contabilidade, 4(7), 11–24.


