Women’s participation in the Brazilian labour market from 2014 to 2019





The first decade of the 21st century in Brazil was characterized by an improvement in the labour market, sustained by an increase in the minimum wage and an increase in formalization. This improvement in the labour market was positive for men and women, in which there was a reduction in unemployment and an increase in formalization. However, the scenario altered, and the country experienced a recession in 2014-2016 and stagnation in 2016-2018, which resulted in a considerable increase in the unemployment rate, as well as in the informality of work. The objective of this work is to analyse the changes in the participation of women in the Brazilian labour market at a time of worsening economic activity. We used PNAD Continuous data to structure the participation of women in the Brazilian labour market by occupation between 2014-2019. One of the results found was that the remuneration of women was close to that of men, but occupational segregation was maintained, thus, women continued to be involved in activities aimed at care and men in activities aimed at production. The results suggest that the reduction of wage inequality between women and men was a consequence of the deterioration of the Brazilian labour market with losses of purchasing power to the employed and not an improvement in female insertion.


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