Investiments in education and its impacts on the agricultural labor market in paraná state, 1970 and 1980


  • Antônio Carlos de Campos


The principal objective of this study is to verify the level of formal education determines the salary of workers in the agricultural sector in the state of Paraná. For this demand and supply curves far labor in rural areas for the years 1970 and 1980 were estimated. The results found showed that schooling was relatively important in the determination of salaries of the rural workers the supply equations. For the demand equations the results were not significant indicating that wing to low schooling the employer showed himself to be indifferent in heving workers with greater or lesser levels of schooling for the tasks in the agricultural sector. This indicates that education appeared more important for the mobility of workers in search of other labor markets than for performing tasks in the agricultural sector, that is the superiority of the mobility effect over the worker effect.

Author Biography

Antônio Carlos de Campos

Possui graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela UEM (1992) , especialização em Estatística Aplicada pela UEM (1996) , mestrado em Ciências (Economia Aplicada) pela ESALQ (1998) e doutorado em Desenvolvimento Econômico pela UFPR (2004) . Atualmente é Professor Adjunto da UEM, Revisor de periódico da Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Revisor de periódico da Textos de Economia, Revisor de periódico da A Economia em Revista e Revisor de periódico da Revista de Economia (Curitiba). Tem experiência na área de Economia , com ênfase em Economia Industrial. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Arranjos produtivos, Desenvolvimento Regional, Organização industrial, Clusters.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.




