Celso Furtado: from history, through economics, to history


  • Liana Bohn UFSC




According to his memories, Celso Furtado assumed for himself, from a very early age, 'the task of thinking about Brazil'. For this, he ‘armed itself with knowledge’, especially scientific, which guaranteed a multidisciplinary look at Brazilian problems and the prospects for economic and social transformation. Besides the fact of being a great theorist of development (and underdevelopment) economics, Furtado provided new bases for reading the country's economic formation and, using his historical-structural method, took the first steps in the decolonization of Brazilian Economic Sciences. As a man of action, he combined knowledge and practice, also being an agent of the country's transformation process, with special emphasis on the efforts spent in the Northeast and in the context of culture. This essay, commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birth, intends to make a brief tour of the intellectual and political trajectory of the one who, from history and through economics, entered the history of Brazil.


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2020-12-14 — Updated on 2020-12-14



