Forest Transition: A Review for Brazilian Biomes




Forest Transition, Native Forest, Biomes, Environmental Conservation, Sustainable development


Brazil has a vast territorial dimension, as well as an extensive biodiversity of fauna and flora. Such greatness is categorized by six biomes that have peculiar characteristics. Moreover, it is a country with large areas of vegetation cover, some unique and endemic, that are plagued by extractive activities and deforestation for the creation of cultivable fields and pastures. Forest Transition Theory (FTT) has been used to identify and categorize the conservation stages of forest areas in several countries and regions. However, there are few studies on the subject for the Brazilian case, and even fewer texts available in Portuguese. Thus, both foreign and Brazilian references were used to understand the status of vegetation cover in each of the six Brazilian biomes (Amazon, Cerrado, Caatinga, Atlantic Forest, Pampa and Pantanal). The results show that the Brazilian biomes are at different stages of deforestation and conservation and have different forest transition mechanisms. As a common point for these biomes, one can see the active participation of public policies as a conservation mechanism. There is still much room for debate on the subject, since most of the available studies are directed at the Amazon and the portion of the Atlantic Forest located in the South and Southeast regions, with a lack of information for the other biomes and locations.

Author Biographies

Cassiano Bragagnolo, Federal University of São Carlos

Professor adjunto do departamento de Economia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos - campus Sorocaba.

Dr. Em Economia Aplicada pela Universidade de São Paulo

Leonardo Kaiuá Schelp, Federal University of São Carlos

Bacharel em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos


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