The fictional narrative as a method in the sociology teaching


  • Gustavo Oliveira Wolf Cavalcante Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



This work reflects on the use of fiction as a strategy for teaching sociology, from a teaching internship experience held in2014 inthe Application School of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. In the performance entitled "Sociological Story", some texts referred to conceptions that contradicted the feedback given by students in classroom discussions, which has shown that sociology may not succeed undermining some thought structures. Assuming a relationship between this sterility and its scientific form, the study looks at possibilities to develop the sociological thought and add symbolic capital from the writing, with the intention of empowering students and compensate linguistic inequality, taking advantage of the mimesis art and the fictional narrative to create a space for criticism about hegemonic representations, and also discursive practices that contribute to lessen the symbolic violence to which the high school students are subjected when they come across the aridity and the objectivity of scientific language.

Author Biography

Gustavo Oliveira Wolf Cavalcante, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduado no curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Sociais. Áreas de pesquisa: sociologia, ensino de sociologia, literatura.

