Contributions for education of José Carlos Mariátegui




This research presented the main contributions to the education of the intellectual and Peruvian journalist José Carlos Mariátegui. Initially we made a brief chronology of his life, later presented the context of Latin America between the years 1918-1923, when he started the writings and activism in education. He explained an emphatic interest in the education of workers, not only for the construction of an Andean democracy, but also as a means of providing a conscious action of the masses in the struggle for socialism. Mariátegui also stressed that learning is a process for life, so the integral formation of the individual is not achieved in the first years of life, personal learning just runs out at the end of life. Concerning the method, it was reported the three central pedagogical ideas in non-formal type of education proposed by Amauta that are the pedagogical conversation strategy, mediator role of the teaching and practice of cognitive contradiction. The author makes us reflect on what to implement to create a school that makes that knowledge gets to the workers / proletarian, peasants, poor, black etc, one of the greatest challenges of today's professional education. The theoretical and methodological orientation of these notes understood the dialectical historical materialism, establishing a connection to the theoretical knowledge and objective historical reality.

Author Biography

Marcela Andresa Semeghini Pereira, Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais - UNESP Marília - doutoranda

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais - UNESP Marília


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