Rosenberg and the saga to unravel the Spinoza enigma

A Look at the Work of Irvin D. Yalom




What could Goethe have found so special in the work of the Jewish philosopher Benedict Spinoza that he carried the Ethics in his pocket for a whole year? This would be the puzzle that Rosenberg would spend a lifetime trying to solve. Yalom writes brilliantly about the trajectory of the two historical characters who have so much and so little between them. The present text is a review of Yalom's "The Enigma of Spinoza".


Author Biography

Daniel de Souza Lemos, Seduc RS

Doutorando em História, Mestre em Ciência Política, graduado em Direito e História, pela UFPel. Especialista em Sociologia pela UFRGS.


YALOM, Irvin D. O enigma de Espinosa: a história do filósofo judeu que influenciou uma das maiores mentes nazistas. Tradução Maria Helena Rouanet. 1ªEd. Rio de Janeiro: Harper Collins, 2019. 432p.

