Professional performance of Carl Friedrich Joseph Rath and natural sciences in the first half of the nineteenth century


  • Ivone Salgado Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas



This article presents aspects of intellectual production of Carl Friedrich Joseph Rath, professional immigrated to the kingdom of Württemberg, now Province of Baden-Württemberg in Germany, to Sao Paulo, where he worked in the field of public works for 31 years, both in the city as territory of the province where it was preferentially identified as a civil engineer. Born in 1802, Charles Rath, as was known in Brazil, was also expert in the field of natural sciences, can their intellectual production and professional performance are related to various scientific fields such as knowledge covered in the first half of the nineteenth century: the paleontology, the geology, mineralogy and geography. Highlighting one of the first scientific works, the article discusses their findings in the field of paleontology and falls in questions seeking to uncover the scientific knowledge in the field of natural sciences participated in the construction of a discipline in training in the second half of the nineteenth century: the urbanism.

Author Biography

Ivone Salgado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas

Profª Drª do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo e da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do CEATEC-PUC Campinas. Arquiteta pela FAU-USP (1978). Doutora pelo Institut d´Urbanisme de Paris (1987). Pós-Doutorado no Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia- Itália (2008). Pesquisador Principal de Projeto Tematico FAPESP. Bolsista Produtividade CNPq.



How to Cite

Salgado, I. (2010). Professional performance of Carl Friedrich Joseph Rath and natural sciences in the first half of the nineteenth century. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 17(23), 247–258.


