Brief study from a Medieval perspective of education


  • Rosana Silva de Moura UFSC



The medieval time is not out of the search for the education purpose. In this assay I analyze the medieval education philosophy aspects from Saint Augustine and Thomas Aquinas’ teaching contributions. Especially through the Scholasticism method the philosopher interrogates their time about the truth of education: May only God be called master because he teaches or it is also possible to attribute this task to men? In the thirteenth century text Aquino analyzes the process by which students learn giving us the element of the discovery as an individual learning moment.

Author Biography

Rosana Silva de Moura, UFSC

Profa. Adjunta no EED/CED na disciplina Filosofia da educação I e II (curso de Pedagogia). Dra. e Mestre em Educação (UFRGS). Graduada em História (UFRGS).



How to Cite

Moura, R. S. de. (2013). Brief study from a Medieval perspective of education. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 20(30), 141–159.