Comparing and integrating: between economic growth, global history and the great divergence


  • Marco Aurélio dos Santos Pós-doutor em História pela Universidade de São Paulo; membro docente do Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Brasil e o Sistema-Mundial (LABMUNDI-USP).



The article discusses the comparative-integrative method as a tool of analysis of scholars – such as Kenneth Pomeranz, André Gunder Frank, Jack Goldstone and John M. Hobson – linked to the Great Divergence perspective. These historians, called revisionists, criticize notions that repute Eurocentric about global economic growth between the years 1400 and 1800 approximately. With the comparison and integration, the revisionists scrutinized the holistic factors that favored the development of historical capitalism, pointing out a perspective that allows a glimpse into a global history with wide integration in the Afro-Euro-Asian world before the globalizing capitalism of the 19th and 21st centuries. Concluding, we understand that the development of historical capitalism since the long sixteenth century integrated multiple spaces of the Afro-Euro-Asian world that conditioned each other, in an ever increasing process of globalization of economic relations and development of broad commercial networks.

Author Biography

Marco Aurélio dos Santos, Pós-doutor em História pela Universidade de São Paulo; membro docente do Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Brasil e o Sistema-Mundial (LABMUNDI-USP).

Doutor em História Social e Pós-doutor em História pela Universidade de São Paulo; membro docente do Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Brasil e o Sistema-Mundial (LABMUNDI-USP)


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How to Cite

Santos, M. A. dos. (2020). Comparing and integrating: between economic growth, global history and the great divergence. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 27(44), 115–129.


