The Collection of Tours of Acts of the Council of Ephesus (431): A Carolingian Evidence of Doctrinal Ressignificance and Circulation of Texts in the Late Antique Mediterranean




This paper aims to understand the multiplicity of historical meanings and experiences that intersect in the Latin manuscript preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France under the number 1572, formerly preserved in Saint-Martin of Tours and that preserves a collection of “acts of the Council of Ephesus (431)” named after it. Firstly, I support the very deconstruction of the idea that the council of Ephesus produced acts in a strict sense, aligning myself with Eduard Schwartz’s ideas on both the factionalism of this meeting and the propagandistic character of the documental collections produced by both clashing parties at that time and by new ecclesiastical groups that gave new meanings to the Christological dispute after the council of Chalcedon (451). Then, I review the reception of the Ephesian debate in the Latin West, proceeding to a brief description of this so-called collection of Tours, raising hypotheses about the dating and location of its archetype (second quarter of the 6th century in Constantinople). Finally, turning to the context of Gaul, I offer a hypothesis of transmission of the collection through a Mediterranean itinerary associated with the so-called Three Chapters controversy, concluding that its reception and production in the Carolingian period was through the recovery of meanings produced along this long and diffuse chain of Mediterranean transmission as much as through new interests and needs that arose at that time in Carolingian Gaul and which were not necessarily linked to the Christological polemic.

Author Biography

Robson Murilo Grando Della Torre, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

Professor de História Antiga e Medieval da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (Unimontes) - Campus São Francisco. Doutor em História Cultural pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) e estagiário do Laboratório de Estudos Medievais (LEME - USP/UNICAMP/UFMG/UNIFESP/UFG). Principais áreas de interesse: História Antiga e Medieval, História da Igreja, concílios ecumênicos, Antiguidade Tardia.


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How to Cite

Torre, R. M. G. D. (2020). The Collection of Tours of Acts of the Council of Ephesus (431): A Carolingian Evidence of Doctrinal Ressignificance and Circulation of Texts in the Late Antique Mediterranean. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 27(44), 59–77.



Special Issue "Connected Histories of Middle Ages"