Entangled memories: versions of the past in Germany and Japan, 1945-2001





Even in our age of globalization, studies in the history of memory tend to reinforce the category of the nation. This is also true for interpretations of the different ways in which West Germany and Japan have come to terms with the atrocities, and with defeat, in World War II. Frequently, historians oppose a critical engagement with the recent past in Germany to the refusal to acknowledge one’s own role as perpetrator in post-war Japan; the reason for these divergent developments are then invariably found in the two countries’ domestic history, if not in the collective German and Japanese psyche. This article argues, by contrast, that debates about memory do not unfold in national isolation, and that their different trajectories need to be situated in a global context.


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How to Cite

Conrad, S. (2020). Entangled memories: versions of the past in Germany and Japan, 1945-2001. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 27(44), 130–148. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-7976.2020.e71081


