Antonieta de Barros – A Novidade do Voto Feminino em Santa Catarina na Década de Trinta


  • Karla Leonora Dahse Nunes Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Getúlio Vargas conceded the right to vote for women by decree in 1932. This news created intensive debates at that time: divergences and convergences. Despite the female movement around the legitimacy of this conquest in Coinstitution to be sanctioned in 1934, the most of women from the state of Santa Catarina didn't get involve in such debates. Horever, righ here in this state, a black woman was elected as deputy (elective position) – the teacher Antonieta de Barros. The unique personality in the historiography from the State of Santa Catarina who represented the break of stereotypes to the ethnic, social class and gender.



How to Cite

Dahse Nunes, K. L. (2000). Antonieta de Barros – A Novidade do Voto Feminino em Santa Catarina na Década de Trinta. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 8(8), pp. 115–132. Retrieved from


